Health Equity and Social Determinants of Health

HDRP addresses cancer-related disparities by promoting and conducting health equity research that identifies and addresses the social determinants and multilevel factors contributing to disparities across the cancer control continuum.

Addressing Social Risks in Cancer Care Delivery

Social risks are adverse conditions or contextual factors associated with poor health. They may increase an individual’s likelihood of having unmet social needs, a patient-centered concept that incorporates a person’s perception of their own health-related needs. Social risks and social needs such as food-, housing-, and transportation insecurity, can pose significant barriers to cancer care and contribute to poorer health-related outcomes, especially for cancer patients and survivors from historically underserved and marginalized backgrounds.

Sallie Weaver, PhD, MHS
Health Systems and Interventions Research Branch

Rural Cancer ControlExternal Web Site Policy

Rural communities face disadvantages, which contribute to higher incidence and mortality rates for many cancers, and higher average mortality rates for all cancer sites combined.

HDRP Contact:
Sallie Weaver, PhD, MHS
Health Systems and Interventions Research Branch

Last Updated: 19 Apr, 2024